ELLE showcasting our beach towels

Our mind is already on vacation and the fault lies with Tucca beach towels. Although we have already been making ourselves with H&M swimsuits and bikinis that are not going to make it to summer, Zara sandals that we are not going to take off in all the hot season or an Oysho shirt dress so beautiful that we are going to wear it in The next wedding to which we are invited, we had not yet thought about the beach towel that we are going to use this season to wipe out all the coastal destinations that we are going to visit during the bridges of this spring and the summer holidays.In addition to being incredibly beautiful and soft, Tucca beach towels have a system to prevent them from flying all over the shore or forming a sandcastle underneath us while we are sunbathing calmly. The first question we have asked ourselves when learning of its existence has been: how is it possible? Are we already living in the future? Well indeed.